Your trade performance will improve tremendously by focusing on trades using market context and executing at optimal trade location using support/resistance (supply/demand) zones identified by our in-depth analysis and marked clearly on your charts. In order to provide you with as much time to prepare for the trading day, we created this indicator as an aide to our own trading and offer it to you as well.
The MRZ Zones Indicator automatically draws the Top Gun Market Reaction Zones (MRZs) onto any chart(s) you choose (watch a video of how it works here). As traders, we monitor several key timeframes during the trading session. The Top Gun Trade Zone Indicator will save you considerable time each morning since you won't have to transfer the zones by hand onto each chart you use. This is especially critical if you subscribe to - and watch - more than one market when you trade. The vast majority of our clients monitor two or three markets to ensure there are ample trading opportunities each day - this indicator simplifies the process tremendously.
The MRZ Zones Indicator will help you monitor - and quickly identify - real-time price action and, more importantly, trade opportunities presented by our Top Gun Trade Zones. The MRZ Zones Indicator even allows you customize the colors, shading, and borders of your zones! We know that some traders prefer dark charts and others, white charts, so the same colors and depth of shading will not work for everyone - this indicator will allow you to customize as you wish - for your trading.
We presently offer this indicator on one platform: NinjaTrader. We plan to offer for it for Tradestation and Sierra Charts in 2nd quarter 2023 (current Tradestation and Sierra Charts users can still, of course, subscribe and manually place the zones on their charts). To see just how easy this indicator is to use and how quickly the zones are created on your charts, click on your platform below to view a short video demonstrating how the indicator works.
To purchase the Top Gun Zones Indicator, just add the indicator to your Membership Plan when you join. It's a low cost, one-time purchase and you own it outright, and it will work for all the markets for which you have subscribed.


Coming Mid-2024
Coming Mid- 2024
Available Now!
How the MRZ Indicator Works:
See how easy it is to get our Top Gun Zones on your charts in less than a minute with our MRZ Indicator.
(6 minute video)
"A peak performance trader is totally committed to being the best and doing whatever it takes to be the best. He feels totally responsible for whatever happens and thus can learn from mistakes. These people typically have a working business plan for trading because they treat trading as a business."
~ Van K. Tharp